The environment I'm working with doesn't support CSS functions like mod(), round() or rem(). abs() and sign() are also not supported. However, max(), min() and clamp() are supported.
What I need is a workaround to achieve the behavior of a function f(a,b) that does the following: If a < b, return a. If a >= b, return 0. So basically, I need something that works like min(a,b), except when a >= b, it returns 0 instead of b.
I'm only dealing with positive integers. It doesn't matter what negative numbers would do.
If I could use mod(), then I could simply do mod(min(a,b),b) to get what I want.
You can use clamp()
.box {
--a: 20px;
--b: 40px;
--f: clamp(0px,(var(--b) - var(--a))*1000,var(--a));
if a < b --> (b-a)*1000 a big positive value clamped to a
if a > b --> (b-a)*1000 a negative value clamped to 0
width: var(--f);
border:2px solid red;
height: 50px;
margin: 10px;
<div class="box"></div>
<div class="box" style="--b: 10px"></div>
If it's integer, remove the unit:
.box {
--a: 20;
--b: 40;
--f: clamp(0,(var(--b) - var(--a))*1000,var(--a));
if a < b --> (b-a)*1000 a big positive value clamped to a
if a > b --> (b-a)*1000 a negative value clamped to 0
width: calc(var(--f)*1px);
border:2px solid red;
height: 50px;
margin: 10px;
<div class="box"></div>
<div class="box" style="--b: 10"></div>