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Prolog Representation for Parallel Line Theorem Reasoning

I am using prolog for reasoning about theorems for parallel lines.

That is, AB || EF and CD || EF, which leads to AB || CD.

The current code ensures that AB || CD is true, but BA || CD is false. Is there any way to make BA || CD is also true?

M and N are to control the number of executions, which I guess is not related to the problem.

Here is my code:

parallel(seg(A,B),seg(C,D),N):-M is N - 1,M >= 0,parallel(seg(A,B),seg(E,F),M),parallel(seg(C,D),seg(E,F),M).
parallel(A,B,N):-M is N - 1,M >= 0,parallel(B,A,M).
parallel(A,B,N):-M is N - 1,M >= 0,parallel(A,B,M).

The query I executed:

parallel(seg(a,b),seg(c,d),2). ------true
parallel(seg(b,a),seg(c,d),2). ------false,should be true

I know I can use this method to solve the problem, but the number of rules needed is 2^N.

parallel(seg(A, B), seg(C, D)) :- parallel_base(seg(A, B), seg(C, D)).
parallel(seg(A, B), seg(D, C)) :- parallel_base(seg(A, B), seg(C, D)).
parallel(seg(B, A), seg(C, D)) :- parallel_base(seg(A, B), seg(C, D)).
parallel(seg(B, A), seg(D, C)) :- parallel_base(seg(A, B), seg(C, D)).

Is there a more elegant way to solve this problem?


  • I just wanted to mention - rather than:


    ... a neater alternative is to enforce the convention of the lower (or equal) value being first, using e.g.:

    lower_upper(X, Y, L, U) :-
        (   X @< Y
        ->  L = X, U = Y
        ;   L = Y, U = X

    This will help to reduce the amount of unwanted choicepoints, and improve code clarity.