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Stuck on 16 - 17 level of Overthewire bandit game

I'm playing the CTF game on Overthewire and stuck on 16 - 17 where you got a public key and have to submit it to play the next level.

I got the public key saved at /tmp/ and set read only for the user.Then proceed to submit it by this command

ssh -i /tmp/bokeh/sshkey17.private -p 2220

Then I got these messages

The authenticity of host '[]:2220 
([]:2220)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is 
This key is not known by any other names                                                                                
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes                                                
Could not create directory '/home/bandit16/.ssh' (Permission denied).                                                   
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts 
This is an OverTheWire game server.                                                                           
More information on  
!!! You are trying to log into this SSH server with a password on port 
2220 from localhost.                             
!!! Connecting from localhost is blocked to conserve resources.                                                         
!!! Please log out and log in again.                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Load key "/tmp/bokeh/sshkey17.private": error in libcrypto                                                      Permission denied (publickey). 

Please help me, thank you!

I think the error is at those permission denied that can not create the ssh folder


  • I found something people use VMs, which have independent networks stuff from local environments. I can't explain clearly, since it might be different depending on the environments, but if you use VMs, I think you can solve it :))

    You can do it in the bandit16's shell then it will work!

    ssh -i key.rsa bandit17@localhost -p 2220

    Before that, I used 'xshell' to connect to the bandit env in my local environment (my computer uses the school's private network...), and it didn't work. 'xshell' might have some connection limitations. But I tried to do it with a VM, and it works) (NOTE that I can't still specify the reason for it!)