Search code examples

SQL show a column based on another table's column values

ORACLE SQL with my semi-beginner's experience.

I have table Credits one row per ID:

ID, ArtCred, BizCred, HumCred, NatCred, TekCred, GenCred
5001, 12, 7.5, 12, 14, 11, 9
5002, 10.5, 6, 5, 4, 6, 3

with an ID for each student and the credits for each course group.

Students can select a course group(s) to concentrate on from the GrpChoice table which shows their choice and the date when they made it.

ID, GroupChoice, DateChoice
5001, ART, 3/3/2010
5001, BIZ, 5/5/2015
5001, NAT, 6/23/2022
5002, ART, 6/23/2023

I can query every group's credits for each student even if not chosen):

    Credits ON GrpChoice.ID = Credits.ID
    Grpchoice.datechoice Desc
ID   Group   Art     Biz     Hum     Nat    Tek     Gen
5001  TEK   12  7.5 12  14  11  9
5001  HHS   12  7.5 12  14  11  9
5001  BIZ   12  7.5 12  14  11  9
5001  ART   12  7.5 12  14  11  9
5002  ART       10.5     6       5       4       6      3 

but I need to show for each ID and the credits achieved for the GrpChoice (sort by Date desc):

I want to see only for ID 5001:

 ART 12
 BIZ 7.5
 NAT 14

For ID 5002:

 ART 10.5

I've tried a PIVOT but since the GrpChoice value can change, I don't think I can use that. Unless I set up my data differently to pivot on the ID... I have only read about pivots.

CASE GRPCHOICE won't work because it won't modify the SELECT based on its value (I can't "SELECT CASE When GrpChoice = "Art" then SELECT artCHr, WHEN GrpChoice="BIZ" then SELECT bizCHr...").

I've looked at OVER (PARTITION BY) but I'm not seeing how that would work.

Suggestions are welcome, thanks.


  • Actuaaly, with sample data provided, you could use CASE expression to get your expected result:

    WITH        --  Sample Data
        credits AS
                Select 5001 "ID", 12 "ARTCRED", 7.5 "BIZCRED", 12 "HUMCRED", 14 "NATCRED", 11 "TEKCRED", 9 "GENCRED" From Dual Union All
                Select 5002 "ID", 10.5 "ARTCRED", 6 "BIZCRED",  5 "HUMCRED",  4 "NATCRED",  6 "TEKCRED", 3 "GENCRED" From Dual 
        grp_choices AS
                Select 5001 "ID", 'ART' "GROUPCHOICE", To_Date('03.03.2010', '') "DATECHOICE" From Dual Union All
                Select 5001 "ID", 'BIZ' "GROUPCHOICE", To_Date('05.05.2015', '') "DATECHOICE" From Dual Union All
                Select 5001 "ID", 'NAT' "GROUPCHOICE", To_Date('23.06.2022', '') "DATECHOICE" From Dual Union All
                Select 5002 "ID", 'ART' "GROUPCHOICE", To_Date('23.06.2023', '') "DATECHOICE" From Dual
    --  M a i n   S Q L
    Select  c.ID, 
            CASE g.GROUPCHOICE
                WHEN 'ART' THEN c.ARTCRED
                WHEN 'BIZ' THEN c.BIZCRED
                WHEN 'HUM' THEN c.HUMCRED
                WHEN 'NAT' THEN c.NATCRED
                WHEN 'TEK' THEN c.TEKCRED
                WHEN 'GEN' THEN c.GENCRED
            ELSE 0
            END "CREDIT"
    From    credits c
    Inner Join grp_choices g ON(g.ID = c.ID)
    --  R e s u l t :
            ID GROUP     CREDIT
    ---------- ----- ----------
          5001 ART           12
          5001 BIZ          7.5
          5001 NAT           14
          5002 ART         10.5