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GoLang custom package import issue

I'm learning GoLang, and got into an issue.

I created the mod file with go mod init main

Next I created controller and Routes folder which looks something like below:

├── contollers
│   └── users.controller.go
├── routes
│   ├── index.go
│   └── users.routes.go
├── vendor
│   └── modules.txt
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── main.go

in the mod file the module looks like something like this module main

Now when I'm trying to import controller into router, it's giving me import error.

I been doing below things. Attempt - 1

import (


it's giving invalid import path: "$GOPATH/controllers"syntax error

Attempt - 2

import (


again the error is same

Attempt - 3

import (



package controllers;

import (


func HealthCheck() gin.HandlerFunc {
    return func (c *gin.Context)  {
        fmt.Println("reached controller")


package routes

import (


func UserRouters(inComingRoutes *gin.Engine) {
    inComingRoutes.GET("/api/health", controllers.HealthCheck());

it's throwing error like this, could not import main/controllers (no required module provides package "main/controllers")

I been stuck with this for 3-4 hours, can anyone please suggest me how can I import that controller into my route.

Thanks in advance.


    1. Modify the module path by editing go.mod:
    - module main
    + module
    1. Modify the import path:
      import (
    -     "main/controllers"
    +     ""
    1. controller.go (remove trailing ;):
    - package controllers;
    + package controllers
    1. rename the directory contollers to controllers to match the package name (r is missed).

    2. remove the vendor folder.


    1. main has a special meaning in go. Quotes from the golang spec:

    A complete program is created by linking a single, unimported package called the main package with all the packages it imports, transitively. The main package must have package name main and declare a function main that takes no arguments and returns no value.

    1. Import paths without dots are reserved for the standard library and go toolchain. See cmd/go: document that module names without dots are reserved.