i have a sample.txt file
AL.Ft="He Se Fe",Bt,@L(Ey,0),&Ct:&Cu3
i need to seperate this file with 4 different columns with new column added before output.csv
PHP> This is hard coded line;
column1 column2 column3 column4
abcdefg Cl Cog "/u/l/Cg.txt"
abcdefg V DM Nv
abcdefg AL Ft "He Se Fe",Bt,@L(Ey,0),&Ct:&Cu3
so for i have tried this,which doesn't seem to be working
Get-Content test.txt |
$headerString = "PHP> This is hard coded line;"
$headerElements = $headerString -split "\s+" | Where-Object{$_}
$headerIndexes = $headerElements | ForEach-Object{$headerString.IndexOf($_)}
$results = $data
Foreach {"$(($_ -split '\s+',4)[0..2])"} |
Out-file -filepath "D:\output.txt"
I encourage you to not try and "build" the csv yourself. Focus on creating the objects you want and then simply export to csv. Your header line as more columns then your data, plus you don't state specifically you want to exclude the processing...
line, nor do you account for it in your example code, but your desired output doesn't show it. Here is how I would handle what I believe you are after.
# Create the headers for the csv from your hard coded line
$headerString = "PHP> This is hard coded line;"
$headers = -split $headerString
# Get the text content, you can skip 1 here if you need to exclude processing
$data = Get-Content test.txt
# Iterate over each line replacing literal period and equals with a pipe.
# Combine this with your static first column value and a pipe
# I chose pipe as a delimiter as your text file had commas but not a pipe
$results = foreach($line in $data){
# again, this will create a pipe delimited string
$csv = 'abcdefg|' + ($line -replace '\.|=','|')
# convert this string to csv with your custom headers
$csv | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter '|' -Header $headers
All the output was collected in $results
. You can review and/or export now
$results | Format-Table
PHP> This is hard coded line;
---- ---- -- ---- ----- -----
abcdefg Cl Cog /u/l/Cg|txt
abcdefg V DM Nv
abcdefg AL Ft He Se Fe,Bt,@L(Ey,0),&Ct:&Cu3
# output to csv
$results | Export-Csv Some.csv -NoType
If you want to output the table view to a text file (I don't recommend it, csv is much easier to consume again later) you can do this
$results | Format-Table | Out-String | Set-Content c:\temp\textfile.txt