In my use case, I have a multimethod that takes two arguments, both of them maps. The first one is used, amongst other things, to compute the dispatch value. The second one is a kind of context variable that will be returned either modified or unmodified by the implementing methods.
(defmulti code (fn [input _] (:cmd input)))
; example implementation
(defmethod code "foo" [_ {var :var :as ctx}]
{:out (str "foo; ctx.var=" var)
:ctx ctx})
As you can see, in this example implementation I return the context variable unmodified. Since I have a lot of implementations that do not modify the context, I decided to write a macro that writes the defmethod for me, putting the computation output under the key :out
and the unmodified context under :ctx
(defmacro stable-ctx [multifn dispatch-val args impl]
`(defmethod ~multifn ~dispatch-val ~args
{:out ~impl
:ctx (second ~args)}))
This works nicely for the following implementations:
(stable-ctx code "bar" [_ _] "bar")
(stable-ctx code "foo2" [_ ctx] (str "foo2; ctx.var=" (:var ctx)))
However, it is obvious that it fails if I use destructoring within my definition:
(stable-ctx code "foo3" [_ {var :var}] (str "foo3; ctx.var=" var))
(The output for (code {:cmd "foobar"} {:var 2})
is {:out "foobar; ctx.var=2", :ctx {2 :var}}
instead of {:out "foobar; ctx.var=2", :ctx {:var 2}}
I would like to know how I could solve this issue. I suspect the clojure.core/destructure function could help me with this, but sadly it is missing a documentation.
Just use a different, private name for the context argument, and let
the name the client wants. They can do whatever they want with their name, you'll still have yours.
(defmacro stable-ctx [multifn dispatch-val [a b] impl]
`(defmethod ~multifn ~dispatch-val [~a y#]
(let [~b y#]
{:out ~impl
:ctx y#})))
Here b
and y#
are two names for the same thing, but y#
is known to be a gensymmed symbol that you created, and so is safe to return. b
is whatever the client put in the arg vector, and so may be destructured if they like.