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Locating ancestor by Selenide using tag and class

I am trying to locate ancestor element (using Selenide library) on a site. The ancestor element is <div class="BorderGrid-cell" ...>.

Method .closest(".BorderGrid-cell") works fine. But method .closest("div.BorderGrid-cell") doesn't work (error "NoSuchElementException: no such element: Unable to locate element"). Why is so?

I am writing code, which inspects the page The code should find the list of contributors and hover mouse on the first contributor of the list. As there are no good locators in the list, I find the text "Contributors", then go up to the ancestor of the found tag (via closest), and then go down to the list.

Code, which works fine:

$("div.Layout-sidebar").$(byText("Contributors")).closest(".BorderGrid-cell").$$("ul li").first().hover();

Code, whish doesnt work:

$("div.Layout-sidebar").$(byText("Contributors")).closest("div.BorderGrid-cell").$$("ul li").first().hover();

The only difference is the 'div' in the .closest() method. I expected that both codes should work the same. Why does not the second one work?

Code on Github:


  • I suppose that method wasn't designed to work with such selector. :

    selector - Either HTML tag, CSS class, attribute or attribute with value.

    Either - used before the first of two (or occasionally more) alternatives that are being specified (the other being introduced by “or”).

    So, you have to chose a single selector from the list (not their combination):

    • HTML tag,
    • CSS class,
    • attribute
    • attribute with value.