I wrote a bicep template to create an Event Grid subscription for an Azure function. Here is my attempt so far.
I want to put a condition to only create this subscription if a specific azure function exist.
resource azureFunctionApp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-03-01' existing =
name: funcationAppName
resource azureFunction1 'Microsoft.Web/sites/functions@2022-03-01' existing = {
parent: azureFunctionApp
name: azureFunction1Name
var functionExist = contains(azureFunction1 .name, azureFunction1Name) == 'true'
resource AzureFunctionEventGridSubscription 'Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions@2022-06-15' = if(functionExist) {
//do a bunch of stuff
However, when I deploy this bicep on Azure, I am still getting error saying resource 'azureFunction1Name' does not exist. How can I skipped creating this AzureFunctionEventGridSubscription and have this skipped and execute without errors?
That does not work in Bicep. The existing
keyword can only refer to, well, existing resources.
You will need to build this logic around your Bicep deployment and only trigger the deployment if you actually want something to be deployed.