In a split-screen view, when I double-click on a currently opened tab it occupies around 80-90% of available space and when I again click on it it resizes to it's original size.
I'm looking for a shortcut key or a way to configure a shortcut key for this behavior.
Thank you.
I tried searching for "tab" | "file" and similar keywords inside the command palette to find the command we can use to get the expanding and shrinking behavior so that I can assign a shortcut key to it but couldn't find any such commands inside the command palette.
Here's an example:
The default keyboard shortcut key for toggling the expand behavior of the currently opened tab in VS Code is Ctrl + \ (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + \ (Mac).
If this shortcut key is not working for you, you can try checking if the key binding is already assigned to another command. To do this, open the Keyboard Shortcuts editor by going to File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts or by using the shortcut key Ctrl + K Ctrl + S (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + K Cmd + S (Mac).
The feature that toggles the expand behavior of the currently opened tab in VSCode is called "Toggle Editor Group Sizes".