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"unbound module Base" in VS Code with ocaml-lsp

I have Ocaml switch 4.13.1 running on Mac. utop is working fine, can load the Base module when I do:

#use "topfind";;
#require "base";;
open Base
List.mem ["1"] "1" ~equal:String.equal

even though I followed these instructions which assume I don't have even to do open Base, but the VS Code is having a problem loading the Base module. I have OCaml -LSP language server installed for VS code for the switch I have. But when I try the above code, it gives me red error squiggly line under the # of #use "topfind";;. When I remove use and require I get the following error in the screenshot attached. Can you please help with this? I have tried everything since yesterday, I tried to build a project with dune and still in the main the above code have squiggly lines.

enter image description here


  • From what you've shown, it looks like you're trying to use #require and #use in an OCaml program, This is not correct. They are functions of the toplevel, but not part of the OCaml language itself.

    When actually compiling or running a whole program, you'd either want to use ocamlfind or the libraries stanza in dune.