I'm trying to make a discord bot who 'avenges me'. With discord.js, is it possible to detect when a user (me) gets disconnected from voice channel by another user, and know who the latter is, so that i can be avenged.
So, here's what I found that gets the closest to what I wanted to do ;
async function discoAvenger() {
// disco(nnection) avenger, not 80's IronMan dancing eh
const guild = bot.guilds.cache.get(config.guildId);
// targeted discord server
const fetchedLogs = await guild.fetchAuditLogs(({ limit: 1 }));
// fetch the logs of that server (returns an array)
const auditLogEntry = fetchedLogs.entries.first();
// select the first logs of that array
if (auditLogEntry.action == 27) {
// if the logs is a "player got disconnected from vocal" (unintentionally)
console.log("27 it is");
const now = new Date();
const diff = now.getTime() - auditLogEntry.createdTimestamp;
// get the time diff between now and the log27
const member = guild.members.cache.get(auditLogEntry.executor.id);
// fetch who disconnected someone
if (diff < 5000) {
// use diff to know if the log27 was created less than 5s ago
// else the member would be disconnected even if the log27 was created 1h ago
console.log("log27 > 5s")
if (member.id !== config.clientId) {
// if the member who disconnected someone is not the bot
console.log("I dit not do it. -T. Lannister");
// disconnect the member for revenge
console.log(`disconnected ${member.displayName}`);
// here i just tried to create and delete a dummy channel, i'll explain down there
const channel = guild.channels.create({
name: "Dummy",
type: Discord.ChannelType.GuildVoice,
parent: "911348246327210039",
setInterval(discoAvenger, 5000); // repeat every 5s to check if there is a new log27
Here's the thing; (my assumption)
Discord has it's ways of generating the server's logs. Disconnect someone, and a log is created.
"Ding disconnected 1 user"
Disconnect another someone between the first log creation and a certain amount of time and a second log is not created, but the first is updated
"Ding disconnect 2 users"
And this is where it ends, it's not possible (to the best of my knowledge) to detect that log update.
This is why i tried to create and delete dummy channel, thus creating 2 logs after the deconnection, to see if the log27 would still be updated or a new one created, but even with 2 different newer logs, it gets updated.
The code works, but only once every x minutes. (the time it waits before created a new log, not updating an older one).
Hope this can help.