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BasemapToggle on toggle event not working in ArcGIS Javascript 4.x

The following code worked is suppose to work in ArcGIS Javascript API 4.x:

basemapToggle.on('toggle', function(event){
  console.log("current basemap title: ", event.current.title);
  console.log("previous basemap title: ", event.previous.title);

Here is the reference:

But the event never occurs. Any ideas what could be happening?


  • I do not think that works, at least the official API docs (ArcGIS JS API - BasemapToggle) do not specify any event for BasemapToggle.

    But, if you want to know when the toggle occurs, you can listen changes on the property activeBasemap.

    Here I take an ESRI example (ArcGIS JS Samples - Intro to widgets using BasemapToggle) and modify it to show you that,

    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
          Intro to widgets using BasemapToggle | Sample | ArcGIS Maps SDK for
          JavaScript 4.26
        <script src=""></script>
          #viewDiv {
            padding: 0;
            margin: 0;
            height: 100%;
            width: 100%;
          ], (Map, MapView, BasemapToggle) => {
            // Create the Map with an initial basemap
            const map = new Map({
              basemap: "topo-vector"
            // Create the MapView and reference the Map in the instance
            const view = new MapView({
              container: "viewDiv",
              map: map,
              center: [-86.049, 38.485],
              zoom: 3
            // 1 - Create the widget
            const toggle = new BasemapToggle({
              // 2 - Set properties
              view: view, // view that provides access to the map's 'topo-vector' basemap
              nextBasemap: "hybrid" // allows for toggling to the 'hybrid' basemap
            // ----------------------------
            // Watch changes of the basemap
  'activeBasemap', function (basemap) {
                console.log("current basemap title: ", basemap.title);
            // ----------------------------
            // Add widget to the top right corner of the view
            view.ui.add(toggle, "top-right");
        <div id="viewDiv"></div>