It may be one dumb and simple error, but it's been a while since I last touched Swift, so that I would appreciate the help.
I have one observable object (listOfWordsCounted
) in the class ListToPrint
, where I save the words I want to print.
The objective is to write a sentence in the textbox, count each word's number of occurrences, and display it. I chose a list cause it seemed appropriate, but I'm not obtaining any signal from the ForEach cycle.
import SwiftUI
import Foundation
class Word: Identifiable {
var id: String
var nTimes: Int = 1
init(string: String) { = string
func count() {self.nTimes += 1 }
class ListToPrint: ObservableObject {
var wordsToPrint: [Word] = []
init() {}
init(sentence: String){
self.update(sentence: sentence)
func update(sentence: String){
let componentsOfSentence = getStrComponentsArray(str: sentence)
for comp in componentsOfSentence {
if wordsToPrint.first(where: {$ == comp}) != nil
wordsToPrint.first(where: {$ == comp})!.count()
} else
wordsToPrint.append(Word(string: comp))
func getStrComponentsArray(str: String) -> [String] {
return str.components(separatedBy: " ")
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var sentence = ""
@ObservedObject private var listOfWordsCounted = ListToPrint()
var body: some View {
VStack {
Image(systemName: "globe")
Text("Hello, world!")
TextField("Let me count your sentence", text: $sentence)
listOfWordsCounted.update(sentence: sentence)
.background(Color(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0.5))
for word in listOfWordsCounted.wordsToPrint {
List {
// Text(" appeared " + "times")
ForEach(self.listOfWordsCounted.wordsToPrint){ word in
I expected a list with the words I wrote in the textbox.
@Published var wordsToPrint: [Word] = []