Using this pseudo code, how can I do this entirely in cypher?
match-all nodes with the property of type: Images
using properties from the original match
match using the properties from the main match for type: Parent
if no nodes of the parameters with the type: Parent
create a new node using the parameters and type: Parent
match using the properties from the main match for type: Parent
create a parent -> image relationship, using the node from the initial match and the match for type: Parent
MATCH (img:Images) //matches all nodes with the label Images
WITH img //carries forward the matched img nodes to the next clause.
MERGE (parent:Parent {property1: img.property1, property2: img.property2, ...}) // finds or creates a Parent node with the properties taken from the matched img nodes. Replace property1, property2, etc., with the actual property names you want to use.
MERGE (parent)-[:RELATIONSHIP_TYPE]->(img) //finds or creates a relationship between the parent node and the img node. Replace RELATIONSHIP_TYPE with the actual relationship type you want to use.