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"Invalid or missing alias DNS TXT records." when using associate-alias, even though the record appears to exist

I'm trying to transfer an alternate domain name from one Cloudfront distribution to another, following the instructions on this page:

When I run the following command: aws cloudfront associate-alias --alias --target-distribution-id E37*********** it gives the error message An error occurred (IllegalUpdate) when calling the AssociateAlias operation: Invalid or missing alias DNS TXT records.

I have added the DNS TXT record and waited for it to report INSYNC in the console.

The subdomain I am trying to transfer is and as per the doc, I've added a TXT record for I have done this by adding a record to our hosted zone with the subdomain _dev.

Here's how the record appears in Route 53 console: Route 53 record

Performing nslookup -q=TXT gives the following:

Server:  ip-***-**-*-*.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal
Address:  ***.**.*.*

Non-authoritative answer:  text =


If it helps, before I added that TXT record, nslookup -q=TXT gave the following response:

Server:  ip-***-**-*-*.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal
Address:  ***.**.*.*
        primary name server =
        responsible mail addr =
        serial  = 1
        refresh = 7200 (2 hours)
        retry   = 900 (15 mins)
        expire  = 1209600 (14 days)
        default TTL = 86400 (1 day)

Other info:

  • My target distribution has a certificate for associated with it
  • is a placeholder for my actual root domain throughout
  • I have permission to update both distributions and perform the associate-alias operation
  • Both distributions are in the same account
  • I've also tried putting the TXT record under dev. rather than _dev.
  • I've also tried putting the TXT record under (as per some Japanese article I found)
  • Potentially important: I have not pointed to my target distribution in Route 53 yet. In the docs it indicates that that should be done after running the associate-alias command successfully.
  • Potentially important: the hosted zone I am using is Private


  • Turns out it was the private hosted zone causing problems. For me, the solution was to use our public production hosted zone and create TXT d****** there.