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Odd behavior concerning Django's admin page saving files

I have Django 4.1.7 website, served by apache2 on Ubuntu PC.

in the .conf file of apache2: Alias /static /mnt/hdd/SIMSY/static/ and Django works as expected.
All CSS, JS, Images are loaded just fine.

But when adding new object using Django's built-in admin site, the site tries saving the images on /static in the root of Ubuntu (it caused Permission error, then I tried creating that folder in the root and it actually saved the image in that folder).

How is Django trying to save in /static while apache2 tells it that /static is /mnt/hdd/SIMSY/static?

I assume there is something can be changed in to solve that, what can be changed?

Here is the part of that has anything to do with static:

BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
    BASE_DIR / "static",


  • Uploading files are not static files. These are media files. You need to set MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL in your settings file to handle them properly.

    Here are some more useful links on how to handle user uploaded files in django: