Has anyone managed to create the Bicep for an acs API connection? When it is created through the Logic App designer, you specify a connection string. However, I cannot work out the correct syntax for the Bicep file. If I specify this:
resource cn_communicationservices 'Microsoft.Web/connections@2018-07-01-preview' = {
name: connectionType
location: location
kind: 'V2'
properties: {
displayName: connectionName
parameterValues: {
connectionString: connString
api: {
name: connectionType
displayName: connectionName
description: 'Connector to send Email using the domains linked to the Azure Communication Services in your subscription'
iconUri: 'https://connectoricons-prod.azureedge.net/releases/v1.0.1619/1.0.1619.3185/${connectionType}/icon.png'
id: '/subscriptions/${subId}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/${location}/managedApis/acsemail'
type: 'Microsoft.Web/locations/managedApis'
testLinks: []
I get this error:
Parameter 'connectionString' is not allowed on the connection since it was not defined as a connection parameter when the API was registered I have tried many other things but none have worked, has anyone done this successfully?
Please try with the below parameter to feed the ACS connection string,
parameterValues: {
api_key : connString
I ran a local test and confirmed it works to create a API connection.