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Is there a way to update and show a field in Azure application insight request body using KQL?

request body:

name: "SomeName",
insertionTime: "timeInUtc"


| where url contains "/get"
| extend requestBody = parse_json(customDimensions["Request-Body"]) 
| project requestBody

I want to show the request body with updated timestamp in the results table. like timestamp plus 2 hours.

I want to use this request body with new stamp so that I can retry the same requests again with new timestamp for failed requests. Im trying to build some automation for failed api calls with new timestamp in the request body.


  • To show the request body with updated timestamp in the results table. like timestamp plus 2 hours:

    You can use the below kql query to achieve the expected results.

    | where url contains "/get"
    | extend requestBody = parse_json(customDimensions["Request-Body"]) 
    | extend latestTimestamp = datetime_add('hour', 2, todatetime(requestBody.insertionTime))
    | extend newinsertiontime = tostring(latestTimestamp)
    | project newinsertiontime

    As I do not have any results in the given time stamp, I got the below expected output.

    enter image description here

    You can use pack_array to combine all the results with the name, insertion time as well as new insertion time as detailed in the given MSDoc.