Is there any way that one can use the NSScrollView
background texture that is used in Safari from within other applications? I know how to get the NSScrollView
to display a pattern, I just need to know if there is a named image for the texture and what the name is? Or, if there isn't a named image, where I can find something similar?
This is a bit off-topic, I think, since it's not "how to use a background texture in NSScrollView" but "where can I find a similar graphic"? But you'd only know that if you knew it wasn't a system-supplied texture. :-)
This is a custom graphic and is not available via the system. You'll need to create your own, license someone else's or find one that is free for commercial use. Search the web for "linen background" or "linen texture" etc. If you have Photoshop, there are tutorials out there for creating your own Mac-like linen pattern.