I have a dataset like:
Mileage | Operator 1 | 16 Seater | 29-seater | Operator 2 | 16-seater.1 | 29-seater.1 |
80 | BusRus | £199 | £299 | Wheels | £190 | £290 |
I want it in the following format to build a price prediction model with Operator and Seats as Features
Mileage | Operator | Seats | Price |
80 | BusRus | 16 Seater | £199 |
80 | BusRus | 29 Seater | £299 |
80 | Wheels | 16 Seater | £190 |
80 | Wheels | 29 Seater | £290 |
Removed columns for simplicity
Data Set Has Nulls as sometimes you only get quotes for a particular seater vehicle or less Operators
I've tried the following code aswell:
import pandas as pd
# create the original dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Mileage': [80],
'Operator 1': ['BusRus'],
'16-Seater': ['£199'],
'29-Seater': ['£299'],
'Operator 2': ['Wheels'],
'16-Seater.1': ['£190'],
'29-Seater.1': ['£290']
# melt the dataframe from wide to long format
df_melt = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['Mileage', 'Operator 1', 'Operator 2'],
var_name='Seats', value_name='Price')
# split the 'Seats' column into two columns - one for the number of seats and one for the type of vehicle
df_melt[['NumSeats', 'VehicleType']] = df_melt['Seats'].str.split('-', expand=True)
# determine the correct operator for each row based on which 'Seats' column the price belongs to
df_melt['Operator'] = df_melt.apply(lambda x: x['Operator 1'] if '1' in x['Seats'] else x['Operator 2'], axis=1)
# drop the original 'Seats' column and rename the remaining columns
df_melt = df_melt.drop('Seats', axis=1).rename(columns={'Operator 1': 'Dummy1', 'Operator 2': 'Dummy2'})
# drop the 'Dummy1' and 'Dummy2' columns and reorder the columns
df_melt = df_melt.drop(['Dummy1', 'Dummy2'], axis=1)[['Mileage', 'Operator', 'NumSeats', 'Price']]
# output the final dataframe
This gets me close to what I need but the Operators are incorrect
index | Mileage | Operator | NumSeats | Price |
0 | 80 | BusRus | 16 | £199 |
1 | 80 | Wheels | 29 | £299 |
2 | 80 | BusRus | 16 | £190 |
3 | 80 | BusRus | 29 | £290 |
One option is to reorder the columns before flipping with a combination of stack and melt:
temp = df.set_index('Mileage')
regex = r"(?P<num1>\d+)\.(?P<num2>\d)(?P<text>-Seater).*"
repl = lambda g: f"{g['num2']}_{g['num1']}{g['text']}"
temp.columns = temp.columns.str.replace(regex, repl, regex=True)
temp.columns = ["_".join(ent.split()[::-1])
if ent.startswith('Operator')
else ent
for ent in temp]
temp.columns = temp.columns.str.split("_", expand=True)
.melt(id_vars='Operator', value_name = 'Price', var_name = 'Seats')
Operator Seats Price
0 BusRus 16-Seater £199
1 Wheels 16-Seater £190
2 Taxi 16-Seater £200
3 BusRus 29-Seater £299
4 Wheels 29-Seater £290
5 Taxi 29-Seater £300