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WinUI3 H.NotifyIcon, Unable to resolve symbol TaskbarIcon

I am working on a winui3 project, and for notify icon, only good option I found is HavenDV/H.NotifyIcon

For winui, it recommends H.NotifyIcon.WinUI, but it is having version issues and showing enter image description here

So, I tried to add the core library H.NotifyIcon, which supposedly works for all the platforms, but it is showing Unable to resolve symbol 'TaskbarIcon'

enter image description here

So, what I am doing wrong?


  • From the error message, I guess you are getting this error because, the latest H.NotifyIcon.WinUI requires WindowsAppSDK v1.2.230217.4 or later, but your app has WindowsAppSDK v1.2.221109.1 installed.

    Updating WindowsAppSDK to the latest version should fix your problem.