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After adjusting Route::resource in web.php happing Missing parameter error

I'm studying Laravel CRUD routing. Yesterday I post my problem, and many people helped me. In my case, I use Mr.Dasun Tharanga's answer and solved.

Is there easyest way to change 'resouce' name in web.php [Laravel9]

It works really nicely, but at edit page I got this error.

Missing required parameter for [Route: ddd.update] [URI: ddd/{ddd}] [Missing parameter: ddd]

When I roll backed as original 'students' it works. I checked controller and model route, but I couldn't figure out the cause. Could someone please teach me how to fix this?

Here is my current web.php


Route::resource('ddd', StudentController::class);


 <form method="post" action="{{ route('ddd.update', $student->id) }}" enctype="multipart/form-data">


 public function edit(Student $student)
    return view('edit', compact('student'));


  GET|HEAD        ddd ...................................................................... ddd.index › StudentController@index
  POST            ddd ...................................................................... › StudentController@store
  GET|HEAD        ddd/create ............................................................. ddd.create › StudentController@create  
  GET|HEAD        ddd/{ddd} .................................................................. › StudentController@show  
  PUT|PATCH       ddd/{ddd} .............................................................. ddd.update › StudentController@update  
  DELETE          ddd/{ddd} ............................................................ ddd.destroy › StudentController@destroy  
  GET|HEAD        ddd/{ddd}/edit ............................................................. ddd.edit › StudentController@edit

Before I change web.php the working edit page url is like this


  • As my answer in your old question, you can consider to name resource route parameters

    in Web.php

    Route::resource('fun_student', StudentController::class)->parameters([
        'ddd' => 'student'

    Or you can choose another way that is changing the name of the argument in edit method.

    public function edit(Student $ddd)
        return view('edit', compact('ddd'));

    Remember when you put a model instance as an argument of the controller method, the route segment name has to be the same to the name of argument of the controller method. Reference