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nops_eval giving a error in scan response

[![enter image description here][1]][1]I run the following code and get the following error:

> ev1 <- nops_eval(
+   register = "RegFile.csv",
+   solutions = "output/metainfo.rds",
+   scans = "nops/",
+   string_scans ="nops_string/"
+ )

The following students were not registered or incorrectly filled in their registration numbers:
Correct registration number (for 0000000, POMT2_W23_005.png): xxxxxxx
Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec,  : 
  line 7 did not have 6 elements

Any idea how I can figure out which file is producing the error?

The scans seem clean and complete with all the crosses visible.


  • When this error occurs it is due to a failed scan and the data in the Daten.txt or the Daten2.txt file. you just need to rescan the appropriate file and re-run nops_scan.

    When you run the scan don't ignore the error lines in the output. Those errors will prevent the nops_eval from running.