I have this code to save the tags in 'tags' in "Details" tab in property of file
of windows
import exiftool
def add_tag_to_file(file_path, new_tag):
with exiftool.ExifTool() as et:
# Get existing tags
metadata = et.execute_json("-j", file_path)
if metadata:
existing_tags = metadata[0].get("QuickTime:Category", '')
if isinstance(existing_tags, str):
existing_tags = []
# Print existing tags
print(f"Existing tags for {file_path}: {', '.join(existing_tags)}")
if '' in existing_tags:
if new_tag not in existing_tags:
print(f"Tag '{new_tag}' already exists in {file_path}.")
if saveTheTags:
formatted_tags = ";".join(existing_tags)
# Save the new tags to the file
et.execute(f"-QuickTime:Category={formatted_tags}", "-overwrite_original", file_path)
print(f"Tag '{new_tag}' added to {file_path}.")
this code sets the tags to metadata[0]["QuickTime:Category"]
of file. but doesnt show tags in 'tags' in "Details" tab in property of file
when the at least one tag isnot manually set.
for i.e. if some tag like 'faf' is manually entered from windows ui, after adding tags with this code, they would be shown in 'tags' in "Details" tab in property of file
. but otherwise the tags wont been shown even they have been set with this code to metadata[0]["QuickTime:Category"]
if you tried this code please tell me are you experiencing the same thing or not?
any other code with for setting 'tags' in "Details" tab in property of file of windows
and doesnt have this problem, image and video files, are also appreciated.
You are setting the wrong tag. For Windows to fill the "Tags" property for videos, you want to set the Microsoft:Category
tag, not the Quicktime:Category
See this exiftool forum post to see what tags Windows will read/write and the corresponding Property Details.