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Using WebDAV to list files on NextCloud server results in method not supported

I'm trying to list files using webdab but I'm having issues. I can create directories and put files just fine but not list a directory or pull a file. I'm seeing the error, "Method not supported".

from webdav3.client import Client
options = {
  'webdav_hostname': "",
  'webdav_login': "user_name",
  'webdav_password': "password"
client = Client(options)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/<user>/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/webdav3/", line 67, in _wrapper
    res = fn(self, *args, **kw)
  File "/home/<user>/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/webdav3/", line 264, in list
    response = self.execute_request(action='list', path=directory_urn.quote())
  File "/home/<user>/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/webdav3/", line 228, in execute_request
    raise MethodNotSupported(name=action, server=self.webdav.hostname)
webdav3.exceptions.MethodNotSupported: Method 'list' not supported for


  • The client.list() method assumes the remote root directory by default.
    As you supply as your webdav_hostname the root directory it tries to access when you call client.list('/') is the top level files directory. As a Nextcloud user you don't have access to that level, so listing that is impossible. However, you do have access to the files/<username> directory, so listing client.list('/<username>/') works.

    To prevent that you have prepend the username to every list command you can set the webdav_hostname to .../remote.php/dav/files/<username>. Then a call to client.list() should work straight away.