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Does using same AzureSasCredential object in many clients result in updating all clients if I update the sas token?

I am using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus .net sdk for my project. If I use 5 different ServiceBusClient objects but use the same AzureSasCredential object while creating the above-said clients, and I update the AzureSasCredential object with ".Update(newSasToken), does it apply to all 5 clients and have their validity updated? I am of the understanding that any operation using the clients thereafter will present the new SasToken that was updated and will work with a new token validity. Please clarify.

On another note, if the clients are not used to send/receive for a long time(a few hours) after a bout of send/receive operations, will their connections go to "sleep" under the hood or will they still be counted as "Active Connection" on my Service Bus namespace?


  • Yes. When you pass the AzureSasCredential to a client, the client holds that reference. When Update is called, the new token value will be available to anyone with a reference. In the case of a SerivceBusClient, the new token will be sent the next time that authorization is renewed.

    Connections have an idle timeout on the client side (60 seconds by default) and on the service-side (currently 30 minutes, but may change). At some point after one of those timeouts is exceeded, within a small window of non-determinism, the connection will be closed ad no longer counted against your limit. The client will recreate the connection for the next service operation that is requested.