I am trying to get the new Swift Charts to work, but there is a funny line running from the first to last point in the chart which I cannot resolve.
Here is the code:
var ChartView: some View {
HStack {
Chart(genRtrv.TUHist_Chart) { series in
ForEach(genRtrv.TUHist_Chart.reversed(), id: \.Timestamp) { data in
let vdate = data.Timestamp
let minus_3m = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .month, value: -3, to: Date())!
let minus_6m = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .month, value: -6, to: Date())!
if vdate > minus_3m {
x: .value("Date", data.Timestamp, unit: .day),
y: .value("Thumbs Up", data.TU)
x: .value("Date", data.Timestamp, unit: .day),
y: .value("Thumbs Up", data.TU)
Data: Start Enum of TuChart
Charted Val: 5 - Time: 2023-01-11 13:32:55 +0000
Charted Val: 5 - Time: 2023-01-11 22:20:37 +0000
Charted Val: 4 - Time: 2023-01-26 22:17:50 +0000
Charted Val: 3 - Time: 2023-02-04 22:20:36 +0000
Charted Val: 4 - Time: 2023-02-10 22:19:16 +0000
Charted Val: 3 - Time: 2023-02-21 22:19:19 +0000
Charted Val: 4 - Time: 2023-03-04 22:18:27 +0000
Charted Val: 5 - Time: 2023-03-11 03:50:51 +0000
Charted Val: 4 - Time: 2023-03-17 15:51:19 +0000
Charted Val: 3 - Time: 2023-03-23 13:54:39 +0000
Charted Val: 3 - Time: 2023-04-11 12:32:55 +0000
Result are below
I looked on line at Apple's documentation and stackoverflow. I would just like the chart to not have the recursive line running across it.
The problem is that you are passing in the data and looping over it two times, first by using a Chart
initialiser that takes the data as an argument
Chart(genRtrv.TUHist_Chart) { series in
// rest of code
and secondly when using a ForEach
ForEach(genRtrv.TUHist_Chart.reversed(), id: \.Timestamp) { data in
// ...
The most straightforward solution here is to change the Chart
initialiser by instead doing
Chart {
// rest of code