I'm developing an e-commerce and I'm trying to set local storage to hold the elements inside the cart.
All fine when i add a product to the cart and all but once i refresh the cart page, all products just disappear.
I tried set the local storage and i can't figure where i'm wrong...
My browser is fine with local storage permissions (Edge).
export class CartComponent {
products = this.cartService.getProducts();
private cartService: CartService
) { }
totalPrice = this.cartService.getProducts().reduce((acc, product) => acc + product.PriceWithIVA, 0);
addToCart(product: ProductDTO) {
let products = [];
if (localStorage.getItem ('products')) {
products = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('products'));
products.push ({
name: product.Name,
image: product.Attachment,
price: product.PriceWithIVA
localStorage.setItem ('products', JSON.stringify(products));
this.products = products;
getCartDetailsByUser() {
const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem ('products'));
this.products = data;
if (data !== null) {
this.cartQuantity = data.length;
getProducts() {
return this.products;
clearCart() {
localStorage.removeItem ('products');
this.products = [];
this.cartQuantity = 0;
In constructor of your service you should ask about "localStorage.getItem ('products')"
const products=localStorage.getItem ('products')
Update* @Jany, you need pay attention to the name of the variables -you store the data as name, price and image but when you add to cart received an object with but received Name, Attachment and PriceWithIVA.
Futhermore you has variable products in service and in your card, perhafs it's good use a getter.
I forked your code
export class CartComponent implements OnInit {
totalPrice: number;
//I use a getter
get products() {
return this.cartService.getProducts()
//you also can use
return this.cartService.products;
constructor(private cartService: CartService) {}
ngOnInit() {
add() {
//well I add a "fool product"
const date = new Date();
Name: 'fool ' + date.getSeconds(),
PriceWithIVA: 100,
clear() {
//After any operation we should call to CalculateTotal
private calculeTotal() {
this.totalPrice = this.products.reduce(
(acc, product) => acc + product.price,
Your service
providedIn: 'root',
export class CartService {
products: any[] = [];
cartQuantity = 0;
constructor() {
//get the "localstorage"
const local = localStorage.getItem('products');
//if exist, use JSON.parse, else return an empty array
const products = local ? JSON.parse(local) : [];
//map to be sure the "price" is a number
this.products = products.map((x: any) => ({
price: +(x.price || 0),
//really it's unnecesary
this.cartQuantity = products ? products.length : 0;
addToCart(product: any) {
name: product.Name,
image: product.Attachment,
price: +product.PriceWithIVA,
//but we need actualize the value of qauntity
this.cartQuantity = products ? products.length : 0;
localStorage.setItem('products', JSON.stringify(this.products));
getProducts() {
return this.products;
clearCart() {
this.products = [];
this.cartQuantity = 0;