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VBA - Is it possible to declare a Variant array whose elements have the data types of different classes

I would like to declare a variant array that contains different data types such as objects.

Dim faceObj As SldWorks.Face2

Dim selObject() As Variant
ReDim Preserve selObject(4)
' code that initializes faceObj is not included here

Now, selObject has 5 elements, that are of Empty data type.

I would like to change a first element datatype to be of a Face2 class.

Set selObject(0) = faceObj

While this works, array elements still have the Object datatype and therefore members of the objects are not offered by lint.

Apologies if I used wrong nomenclature as I don't understand properly OOP terminology.

I tried ReDim selObject(i - 1) As SldWorks.Face2 but it says that can't change the datatype of array elements. I think I saw that in Variant it's possible to have the different datatypes but maybe my syntax is wrong.

Edit: Would it be better to rather use a structure array for this case?


  • Based on the comment section, it is not possible to redeclare elements to be of the different object class. It will still be the same Object data type.