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tsql to create extract key and value from JSON data in a serverless sql pool

How to create external table using Serverless SQL pool using tsql in Azure Synapse Analytics for this scenario:

I have a 'employeeInfo' column in a table called as 'companyDetail'. This is the query to create 'companyDetail' table:

  companyName varchar(100),
  employeeInfo varchar(2048) 
    LOCATION = '/all_parquet_files/*.parquet',
    DATA_SOURCE = parquet_datasource,
    FILE_FORMAT = parquet

companyDetail table data:

companyName| employeeInfo
ABC        | {name: Ramesh, age:32 years}
ABC        | {name: Mohan, experience:2 years}
DEF        | {name: Dinesh, age:39, experience:5 years}
HIJ        |
DEF        | {name: Mohit}

I have to create an external table 'employee' from this data which should have this result:

companyName| employeeKey | employeeValue
ABC        | name        | Ramesh
ABC        | age         | 32 years
ABC        | name        | Mohan
ABC        | experience  | 2 years
ABC        | name        | Dinesh
ABC        | age         | 39
ABC        | experience  | 2 years
HIJ        |             |
DEF        | name        | Mohit


  • One approach would be to import the data from the external table into a temporary table or a table variable, and then use the OPENJSON function on the imported data to flip the data into columns. e.g:

    SELECT companyName, employeeInfo
    INTO #tempTable
    FROM companyDetail
    -- WHERE ...
    SELECT companyName, [Key] as employeeKey, [Value] as employeeValue
    FROM #tempTable
    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(employeeInfo)

    see: OPENJSON