My problem is when I assign the dataprovider for a spark list using actionscript it does not automatically update the list. example:
I have a list: < s:List id="fiterList" allowMultipleSelection="true" width="100%" height="100%"/>
and I use actionscript to assign the dataprovider: filterList.dataProvider = model.ADEPTList; (where model.ADEPTList is an ArrayCollection)
When I use an event to update model.ADEPTList the data does not show up in the list.
if I instead declare the dataprovider in the MXML like this: < s:List id="filterList" allowMultipleSelection="true" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{model.ADEPTList}"/>
When the event updates model.ADEPTList it DOES show up in the list. Why is this and how can I get the list to update when assigning the dataprovider using actionscript? Thanks
That's because that's only an assignment, you're not binding your list's dataProvider to model.ADEPTList.
You have to read more about flex binding mechanisms. In AS3 you could use: