I have come across a solution to the problem of searching a value in the binary tree and returning the node of that residing value. The time complexity is thus expected to be O(n).
This is my solution to the problem:
let rec search x tree =
match tree with
| Empty -> Empty
| Node (root, left, right) when x = root -> tree
| Node (_, left, right) ->
match left with
| Empty -> search x right
| t -> search x t
and this is the solution I found, but I think mine is more efficient and readable:
let rec search x t =
match t with
| Empty -> Empty
| Node(v, l, r) ->
if v = x then t
match search x l with
| Empty -> search x r
| t' -> t'
Is my solution better or am I missing something?
For reference, the definition of the tree
type 'a tree =
| Empty
| Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree
These are not equivalent in functionality.
Your function only searches the right branch if the left branch is itself Empty
, and not if the result of searching that branch is Empty
# let leaf v = Node (v, Empty, Empty) in
search 4 @@ Node (2, leaf 1, leaf 4);;
- : int tree = Empty
You might have meant:
let rec search x tree =
match tree with
| Empty -> Empty
| Node (root, _, _) when x = root -> tree
| Node (_, left, right) ->
match search x left with
| Empty -> search x right
| t -> t
# let leaf v = Node (v, Empty, Empty) in
search 4 @@ Node (2, leaf 1, leaf 4);;
- : int tree = Node (4, Empty, Empty)
An additional thought is that you may want to create a search_opt
function which returns an option
type, where None
indicates that no match was found.
let rec search_opt x =
| Empty -> None
| Node (root, _, _) as tree when x = root -> Some tree
| Node (_, left, right) ->
match search_opt x left with
| None -> search_opt x right
| t -> t
Let's say we have a tree: let t = Node (2, Node (5, Node (7, leaf 1, leaf 6), leaf 10), Node (8, leaf 3, leaf 4)
/ \
---5--- ---8---
/ \ / \
-7- 10 3 4
/ \
1 6
If I evaluate search_opt 3 t
, then that breaks down something like:
search_opt 3 t
search_opt 3 (Node (5, Node (7, leaf 1, leaf 6), leaf 10))
search_opt 3 (Node (7, leaf 1, leaf 6))
search_opt 3 (Node (1, Empty, Empty))
search_opt 3 Empty -> None
search_opt 3 Empty -> None
search_opt 3 (Node (10, Empty, Empty))
search_opt 3 Empty -> None
search_opt 3 Empty -> None
search_opt 3 (Node (8, leaf 3, leaf 4))
search_opt 3 (Node (3, Empty, Empty)) -> Some (Node (3, Empty, Empty))