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scala: Nested String Map Builder

I want to create a class called NestedStrMap where it has a signature as such:

   final class NestedStrMap[A](list: List[A], first: A => String, rest: (A => String)*) 

I want to write a function asMap inside of it where I can take first and rest to build a nested map. However, I can't figure out how to define the return type of this function.

  def asMap = {
    rest.toList.foldLeft(list.groupBy(first)) { (acc, i) =>
      acc.view.mapValues(l => l.groupBy(i)).toMap  // fails because the return type doesn't match

Here's an example of how I'd like to use it:

   case class TestResult(name: String, testType: String, score: Int)
   val testList = List(
     TestResult("A", "math", 75),
     TestResult("B", "math", 80),
     TestResult("B", "bio", 90),
     TestResult("C", "history", 50)
   val nestedMap = NestedStrMap(testList,, _.testType)
   val someMap: Map[String, Map[String, List[TestResult]] = nestedMap.asMap

       "A" -> Map("math" -> List(TestResult("A", "math", 75)))
       "B" -> Map(
         "math" -> List(TestResult("B", "math", 80)),
         "bio" -> List(TestResult("B", "bio", 90))
       "C" -> Map("history" -> List(TestResult("C", "history", 50)))  

Is this doable in scala?


  • You want to return Map[String, Map[String, ... Map[String, List[A]]]]. The type must be known at compile time. So the length of rest: (A => String)* must be known at compile time. You can introduce a type class using Shapeless Sized

    // libraryDependencies += "com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % "2.3.10"
    import shapeless.nat.{_0, _2}
    import shapeless.{Nat, Sized, Succ}
    import scala.collection.Seq // Scala 2.13
    // type class
    trait AsMap[A, N <: Nat] {
      type Out
      def apply(list: List[A], selectors: Sized[Seq[A => String], N]): Out
    object AsMap {
      type Aux[A, N <: Nat, Out0] = AsMap[A, N] {type Out = Out0}
      def instance[A, N <: Nat, Out0](f: (List[A], Sized[Seq[A => String], N]) => Out0): Aux[A, N, Out0] = new AsMap[A, N] {
        type Out = Out0
        override def apply(list: List[A], selectors: Sized[Seq[A => String], N]): Out = f(list, selectors)
      implicit def zero[A]: Aux[A, _0, List[A]] = instance((l, _) => l)
      implicit def succ[A, N <: Nat](implicit
        asMap: AsMap[A, N]
      ): Aux[A, Succ[N], Map[String, asMap.Out]] =
        instance((l, sels) => l.groupBy(sels.head).view.mapValues(asMap(_, sels.tail)).toMap)
    final class NestedStrMap[A, N <: Nat](list: List[A], selectors: (A => String)*){
      def asMap(implicit asMap: AsMap[A, N]): asMap.Out =
        asMap(list, Sized.wrap[Seq[A => String], N](selectors))
    object NestedStrMap {
      def apply[N <: Nat] = new PartiallyApplied[N]
      class PartiallyApplied[N <: Nat] {
        def apply[A](list: List[A])(selectors: (A => String)*) = new NestedStrMap[A, N](list, selectors: _*)
    case class TestResult(name: String, testType: String, score: Int)
    val testList: List[TestResult] = List(
      TestResult("A", "math", 75),
      TestResult("B", "math", 80),
      TestResult("B", "bio", 90),
      TestResult("C", "history", 50)
    val nestedMap = NestedStrMap[_2](testList)(, _.testType)
    val someMap = nestedMap.asMap
    someMap: Map[String, Map[String, List[TestResult]]]
    //Map(A -> Map(math -> List(TestResult(A,math,75))), B -> Map(bio -> List(TestResult(B,bio,90)), math -> List(TestResult(B,math,80))), C -> Map(history -> List(TestResult(C,history,50))))

    In Scala 2.13, instead of import scala.collection.Seq (i.e. if you want Seq to refer to scala.Seq aka scala.collection.immutable.Seq, which is standard for Scala 2.13, rather than to scala.collection.Seq) then you can define

    implicit def immutableSeqAdditiveCollection[T]:
      shapeless.AdditiveCollection[collection.immutable.Seq[T]] = null

    (Not sure why this implicit isn't defined, I guess it should.)

    Cats auto derived with Seq

    If you don't want to specify N manually, you can define a macro

    import scala.language.experimental.macros
    import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox // libraryDependencies += scalaOrganization.value % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value
    object NestedStrMap {
      def apply[A](list: List[A])(selectors: (A => String)*): NestedStrMap[A, _ <: Nat] = macro applyImpl[A]
      def applyImpl[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context)(list: c.Tree)(selectors: c.Tree*): c.Tree = {
        import c.universe._
        val A = weakTypeOf[A]
        val len = selectors.length
        q"new NestedStrMap[$A, _root_.shapeless.nat.${TypeName(s"_$len")}]($list, ..$selectors)"
    // in a different subproject
    val nestedMap = NestedStrMap(testList)(, _.testType)
    val someMap = nestedMap.asMap
    someMap: Map[String, Map[String, List[TestResult]]]
    //Map(A -> Map(math -> List(TestResult(A,math,75))), B -> Map(bio -> List(TestResult(B,bio,90)), math -> List(TestResult(B,math,80))), C -> Map(history -> List(TestResult(C,history,50))))

    This will not work with

    val sels = Seq[TestResult => String](, _.testType)
    val nestedMap = NestedStrMap(testList)(sels: _*)

    because sels is a runtime value.

    Alternatively to Shapeless, you can apply macros from the very beginning (with foldRight/foldLeft as you wanted)

    import scala.language.experimental.macros
    import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox
    final class NestedStrMap[A](list: List[A])(selectors: (A => String)*) {
      def asMap: Any = macro NestedStrMapMacro.asMapImpl[A]
    object NestedStrMapMacro {
      def asMapImpl[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Tree = {
        import c.universe._
        val A = weakTypeOf[A]
        val ListA = weakTypeOf[List[A]]
        c.prefix.tree match {
          case q"new NestedStrMap[..$_]($list)(..$selectors)" =>
            val func = selectors.foldRight(q"_root_.scala.Predef.identity[$ListA]")((sel, acc) =>
              q"(_: $ListA).groupBy($sel).view.mapValues($acc).toMap"
    // in a different subproject
    val someMap = new NestedStrMap(testList)(, _.testType).asMap
    someMap: Map[String, Map[String, List[TestResult]]]
    //Map(A -> Map(math -> List(TestResult(A,math,75))), B -> Map(bio -> List(TestResult(B,bio,90)), math -> List(TestResult(B,math,80))), C -> Map(history -> List(TestResult(C,history,50))))