In my application I used Retrofit library for connect to server and some time show me error for validation or other reasons ...
Error message format has such as below:
"message": "The given data was invalid.",
"errors": {
"login": [
"Email or phone is not valid"
login object is change in other API and perhaps show password, basket or other...
I Know I can create error class with above Json and with Gson library convert errorBody and show it!
But I don't want to create a new class for each API !
I want create one general class and get all of errors messages from errors field of Json and show it to user!
My NetworkResponse class:
open class NetworkResponse<T>(private val response: Response<T>) {
fun generalNetworkResponse(): NetworkRequest<T> {
return when {
response.code() == 401 -> NetworkRequest.Error("You are not authorized")
response.code() == 422 -> NetworkRequest.Error("Api key not found!")
response.code() == 500 -> NetworkRequest.Error("Try again")
response.isSuccessful -> NetworkRequest.Success(response.body()!!)
else -> NetworkRequest.Error(response.message())
How can I handle dynamically errors with Retrofit?
Create a class named ApiError
data class ApiError(
val message: String?,
val errors: Map<String, List<String>>?
In your Retrofit Callback implementation, you can use the Gson library to parse the error response into an instance of ApiError. Here's an example:
class MyCallback : Callback<MyResponse> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<MyResponse>, response: Response<MyResponse>) {
// handle success response...
override fun onFailure(call: Call<MyResponse>, t: Throwable) {
// handle network error...
override fun onFailure(call: Call<MyResponse>, response: Response<MyResponse>) {
if (response.errorBody() != null) {
try {
val apiError = Gson().fromJson(response.errorBody()!!.string(),
// handle API error...
val errorMessage = apiError.message
val errors = apiError.errors
// You can iterate through the map of errors and display them to the user
errors?.forEach { (field, fieldErrors) ->
// display field errors to user
} catch (e: IOException) {
// handle parsing error...
} else {
// handle unexpected error...