Is there a way to set a max width for text within a Mermaid flowchart node, such that it automatically wraps?
For example - how would I get the first graph to look like the second graph, without painstakingly inserting manual line breaks:
<script src=""></script>
<div class="mermaid">
flowchart TD
A{Is it Friday midday UTC?} -- Yes --> B(Check out Daft Punk's new single 'Get Lucky' if you have the chance. Sound of the summer.)
A -- No --> C(Never mind then)
<h2>Desired output</h2>
<div class="mermaid">
flowchart TD
A{Is it Friday</br>midday UTC?} -- Yes --> B(Check out Daft Punk's new single</br>'Get Lucky' if you have the chance.</br>Sound of the summer.)
A -- No --> C(Never mind then)
I have a suspicion the solution will be a single line of CSS but I don't know what it is.
There is support for wrapping of text in Mermaid now:
In short, a new string format was introduced in version 10.1.0 of Mermaid allowing markdown formatting and wrapping of lines. The format currently works in flowcharts and mind maps. To create such a string start with "` and close the string with `". If you do a new line in this kind of string, the text will be rendered as such in the diagram.
Sample diagram using this kind of strings:
id2["`A formatted text... with **bold** and *italics*`"]
id3[Regular labels works as usual]
id4["`Emojis and Unicode works too: 🤓
शान्तिः سلام 和平 `"]