I'm working on a project where I have a pyspark dataframe of two columns (string, string count) that are string and bigint respectively. The dataset is dirty such that some words have a non-letter character attached to them (ex. 'date', '_date', '!date' and 'date,' are all separate items but should be just 'date')
output---> StructType([StructField('count', LongType(), True), StructField('word', StringType(), True)])
| count| word|
|32375 | date|
|359 | _date|
|306 | !date|
|213 | date,|
|209 | snap|
|204 | ^snap|
|107 | +snap|
|12 | snap?|
I need to reduce the dataframe such that date, _date, !date, and date, are all just 'date' with their counts being updated to match. Problem is: I need to avoid joining on similar words like'dates', 'dating', 'dated', 'todate', etc.
| count| word|
|33253 | date|
|532 | snap|
Any thoughts on how I could approach this?
Use regexp_replace
function and replace all special characters([^a-zA-Z] replace all characters other than alphabets)
df = spark.createDataFrame([(32375,'date'),(359,'_date'),(306,'[date'),(213,'date]'),(209,'snap'),(204,'_snap'),(107,'[snap'),(12,'snap]')],['count','word'])
#|snap|532 |
Other way:
If you want to replace only specific characters then use translate
#|snap|532 |