I'm new to Google Scripts (but not programming generally).
I'm trying to use a google spreadsheet to make a bunch of google presentation docs, one per row in the source spreadsheet.
I'm following this, which has some nice, clean code for making google docs.
I like the way it works generally, where it only makes the doc if the 'Document Link' column in the source data sheet isn't populated.
It works for me, and i can use it to make a bunch of google docs with my dynamic vars filled in from the sheet - so far so good. However, I can't work out how to adapt it to make slideshows instead.
My source data is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YXLNd6vdavC0VXVA4egGydRKN-7Toga2m9RGm2btz3M/edit#gid=0
And my Presentation template is here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/127JIyUlFsfz2ST7lQz8iPOzTPwYqh6yIQ1oj-FQPdOY/edit#slide=id.p
And my Document template is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dxtrCAf7m7SLf7mG6ShCbVIJCQXmjaca4r1VnNWh1Kk/edit
So, this script works with the Document template: it makes a new Google Document for each row in the spreadsheet, filling in the variables.
function onOpen() {
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
const menu = ui.createMenu('AutoFill Docs');
menu.addItem('Create New Docs', 'createNewGoogleDocs')
function createNewGoogleDocs() {
//This value should be the id of your document template that we created in the last step
const googleDocTemplate = DriveApp.getFileById('1dxtrCAf7m7SLf7mG6ShCbVIJCQXmjaca4r1VnNWh1Kk');
//This value should be the id of the folder where you want your completed documents stored
const destinationFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById('1PJEPE38E9ZryW12ijASk3NgebxqMzRim')
//Here we store the sheet as a variable
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp
//Now we get all of the values as a 2D array
const rows = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
//Start processing each spreadsheet row
rows.forEach(function(row, index){
//Here we check if this row is the headers, if so we skip it
if (index === 0) return;
//Here we check if a document has already been generated by looking at 'Document Link', if so we skip it
if (row[5]) return;
//Using the row data in a template literal, we make a copy of our template document in our destinationFolder
const copy = googleDocTemplate.makeCopy(`${row[1]}, ${row[0]} Employee Details` , destinationFolder)
//Once we have the copy, we then open it using the DocumentApp
const doc = DocumentApp.openById(copy.getId())
//All of the content lives in the body, so we get that for editing
const body = doc.getBody();
//In this line we do some friendly date formatting, that may or may not work for you locale
const friendlyDate = new Date(row[3]).toLocaleDateString();
//In these lines, we replace our replacement tokens with values from our spreadsheet row
body.replaceText('{{First Name}}', row[0]);
body.replaceText('{{Last Name}}', row[1]);
body.replaceText('{{Position}}', row[2]);
body.replaceText('{{Hire Date}}', friendlyDate);
body.replaceText('{{Hourly Wage}}', row[4]);
//We make our changes permanent by saving and closing the document
//Store the url of our new document in a variable
const url = doc.getUrl();
//Write that value back to the 'Document Link' column in the spreadsheet.
sheet.getRange(index + 1, 6).setValue(url)
I tried just using the presentation ID in place of the sample document ID, in the line where we tell it the id of the template:
const googleDocTemplate = DriveApp.getFileById('1dxtrCAf7m7SLf7mG6ShCbVIJCQXmjaca4r1VnNWh1Kk');
but i get this error:
Exception: Document is missing (perhaps it was deleted, or you don't have read access?)
I tried changing it to this:
const googleDocTemplate = SlidesApp.openById('1dxtrCAf7m7SLf7mG6ShCbVIJCQXmjaca4r1VnNWh1Kk');
But then I get
TypeError: googleDocTemplate.makeCopy is not a function
so i guess the Presentation's ewquivalent function to makeCopy is called something else - or it doesn't have one?
Can someone help? I'm hoping it just needs a couple of tweaks... thanks
You can not copy a Presentation but you can copy the file. Then open the copy and replace the text. I let you figure out the destination.
function createNewGooglePresentation() {
try {
let spread = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let sheet = spread.getSheetByName("Data");
let rows = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
rows.shift(); // remove the headers
let template = DriveApp.getFileById("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
let urls = [];
rows.forEach( row => {
if( row[5] === "" ) {
let file = template.makeCopy( row[1]+", "+row[0]+" Employee Details" );
let presentation = SlidesApp.openById(file.getId());
let slide = presentation.getSlides()[0]; // there is only one slide
slide.replaceAllText("{{First Name}}",row[0]);
else {
catch(err) {
console.log("Error in createNewGooglePresentation: "+err)