I have a domain name already i.e test.com
I have created a new web application using reactjs and django
I have Setup the reactjs
application on AWS amplify
and i got the public aws url. front.aws.url.com
I have Setup the django
application on AWS ECS fargate
and i got the public aws url through ALB as backend.aws.url.com
Now i want to use my already existing domain name and put these in a new path
will be on test.com/testing
and backend apis
are called at test.com/testing/api/
How can i do this in aws
frontend will be on test.com/testing
and backend apis are called at test.com/testing/api/
In order to have them both on the same domain name, with different paths, you would have to place a proxy in front of them that handles the mapping of different paths to different servers, and also does path rewriting. In AWS you would have to create a CloudFront distribution, configure the custom domain name, and configure multiple origins.
It is generally much easier, and much more flexible, to use multiple subdomains for front-end and back-end, like:
frontend: test.com
backend: api.test.com