I am working on a homework again and my homework is a hangman game with turkish cities. The code is not completed yet because there is a funny problem. When I run the code with MSYS2 compiler my output suppose to look like this:
_______ //the random cities letter numbers determines how many "_" in here
Sehri tahmin et! // "Guess the city!"
Bir harf soyle //pls tell me a letter
b //user input
Tahmin ettigin harf: b // the letter u guessed
_ _ _ _ _ //?
Bir harf soyle //pls tell me a letter
u //user input
Tahmin ettigin harf: u // the letter u guessed
_ _ _ _ _ //?
Bir harf soyle //pls tell me a letter
a //user input
Tahmin ettigin harf: a // the letter u guessed
a _ _ _ _ //user input
Bir harf soyle //pls tell me a letter
But it looks like this:
_ _ _ _ _
Sehri tahmin et!// "Guess the city!"
Bir harf soyle //pls tell me a letter
b //user input
Tahmin ettigin harf: b // the letter u guessed
♥ _ _ _ _ //?
Bir harf soyle //pls tell me a letter
u //user input
Tahmin ettigin harf: u // the letter u guessed
♥ _ _ _ _ //?
Bir harf soyle //pls tell me a letter
a //user input
Tahmin ettigin harf: a // the letter u guessed
a _ _ _ _ //user input
Bir harf soyle //pls tell me a letter
There is an heart appears until I guess the first letter correctly
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
struct correctGuess{
int letterNumber;
char letter;
int main() {
char cities[][10] = { "antalya","ankara","istanbul","izmir","kutahya","bursa","konya","afyon","balikesir","mugla" };
char guessedLetter[30];
struct correctGuess correctGuess[10];
char indexLetter;
int i = 0, guessCounter = 0;
int letter = 0;
int random = (int)(rand() % 10);
while (cities[random][i] != '\0') {
correctGuess[i].letterNumber = i;
correctGuess[i].letter = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i < letter; i++) {
printf("_ ");
if (i == (letter - 1)) {
printf("Sehri tahmin et!\n"); //en: "Guess the city!"
for (;;) {
printf("Bir harf soyle\n"); //en: "pls tell me a letter"
scanf(" %c", &indexLetter);
while (getchar() != '\n');
printf("Tahmin ettigin harf: %c\n", indexLetter); //en: "The letter u guessed
guessedLetter[guessCounter] = indexLetter;
int correctGuessIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < letter; i++)
if(cities[random][i] == indexLetter){
correctGuess[correctGuessIndex].letter = indexLetter;
correctGuess[correctGuessIndex].letterNumber = i;
for(int i = 0; i < letter; i++){
if(correctGuess[i].letter == '\0'){
printf("_ "); //the problem probably here!!
printf("%c ",correctGuess[i].letter);
if(i == (letter - 1)){
return 0;
So my problem only appears when I use msys2 compiler but when I use an online compiler like this it works fine. How do I fix it? And why is it happening?
This "heart" character is probably a control character. ASCII control characters do some control, but can also be displayed literally; ♥ is one of these, having the code 3.
Note that it's displayed instead of underscore _
. The code prints correctGuess[i].letter
. So you can be reasonably sure that at that place in code, it has this weird value 3.
Why does it have that value there? It's uninitialized; it can have any value. Uninitialized variables often have the value 0; this can appear as if your code works properly.
To initialize all of the correctGuess
array to zeros, you can use the "generic" zero-initialization idiom:
struct correctGuess correctGuess[10] = {0};
or detailed initialization (if you want to change it to nonzeros later, and need to specify clearly which values go where):
struct correctGuess correctGuess[10] = {
{0, '\0'},
{0, '\0'},
{0, '\0'},
{0, '\0'},
{0, '\0'},
{0, '\0'},
{0, '\0'},
{0, '\0'},
{0, '\0'},
{0, '\0'}