In my organization we're running a kind of hybrid environment - we use both Active Directory on-premises and Azure AD. We'd like to use MFA functionality in AAD and enter employee phone numbers in 'Authentication method' HERE Employees phone numbers are already present on users' cards in AD on-premises (General or Telephones tab). HERE
Therefore, I have the following questions:
I'd be incredibly grateful - for any advice :)
If you have any ideas other than Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Signins
which unfortunately didn't work in this case, that would be awesome :)
Automatic transfer of users' phone numbers from 'Active Directory on-premises' to MFA field in Azure Active Directory
As per MS DOC it is not possible do directly sync the Authentication contact information from On-Prem AD to Azure AD, as these attributes are cloud only attributes, Follow the Authentication contact info
In order to update the On-prem users phone number to Azure AD Authentication can follow below steps.
Export On-prem AD user details to CSV file using below powershell code.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * | Select-Object Name, SamAccountName, EmailAddress, Description | Export-Csv -Path C:\Users.csv -NoTypeInformation
Once export the user details, you can use below powershell code to update Authentication contact information to Azure AD.
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Force
connect-graph -Scopes @("UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All";"UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All")
$inputfile = "/home/mt/EnableMFA.csv"
$data=Import-Csv -Path $inputfile
foreach ($user in $data)
$upn = $user.upn
$phone = $user.phonenumber
New-MgUserAuthenticationPhoneMethod -UserId $upn -PhoneNumber $phone -PhoneType "mobile"
Write-Host "Phone number $phone updated successfully for user $upn."
Write-Host "Error updating phone number $phone for user $upn"
Once ran the above code Phone numbers are updated in Azure AD.