Search code examples

How to build the following dynamic query?

I have a query - SELECT <fields> FROM Account

In this, I need to add dynamic where clauses based on three conditions : Name, LastName, Age

if Name isn't empty, "SELECT <fields> FROM Account WHERE Name = 'ben'
if LastName isn't empty, "SELECT <fields> FROM Account WHERE LastName = 'stokes'
if Age isn't empty, "SELECT <fields> FROM Account WHERE Age = '25'

If none of these conditions are present, no where clause is to be added.

But if more than one of them are present, then the where clauses should be combined.

Ex: "SELECT <fields> FROM Account WHERE Name = 'ben' AND LastName = 'Stokes'


  • Assuming the input fields are wrapped in an object, try filtering out the empty fields and create a string based on the output, like below:

    %dw 2.0
    var condition = {
      Name: 'Ben',
      LastName: 'Stokes',
      Age: 25
    output application/json  
    "SELECT <fields> FROM Account" ++ if (!isEmpty(condition))
      (" WHERE " ++ 
      ((condition filterObject ((value, key, index) -> !isEmpty(value)) // in case the values are empty, filter them out
      pluck ($$ ++ " = " ++ $)) joinBy " AND ")) //a way to get the key-values pairs in a String with pluck and joinBy