I have a dataFrame with dates and prices, for example :
date | price |
2006 | 500 |
2007 | 2000 |
2007 | 3400 |
2006 | 5000 |
and i want to group my data by year so that i obtain :
2007 | 2006 |
2000 | 500 |
3400 | 5000 |
This is the code i tried :
df = my_old_df.groupby(['date'])
my_desried_df = pd.DataFrame(data=df.groups)
but i obtain what i desire but with the indices of the values not the value (the price inmy case) i expected.
With pivot
out = (
df.assign(idx= df.groupby("date").cumcount().add(1))
.pivot(index="idx", columns="date", values="price")
.rename_axis(None, axis=1).reset_index(drop=True)
Output :
2006 2007
0 500 2000
1 5000 3400