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How can a closure be stored in a newtype in Rust?

I am trying to wrap an external type using my own type, as outlined in the linked rust playground.

The external type stores a closure on initialization:

struct ExternalType<P> {
    predicate: P,

impl<P> ExternalType<P>
    P: FnMut(u8) -> bool,
    fn new(predicate: P) -> Self {
        ExternalType { predicate }

My "newtype" uses this ExternalType (without exposing it), but uses a different closure, e.g., a different argument type, which is converted internally:

struct MyType<P> {
    ext: ExternalType<P>,

impl<P> MyType<P>
    P: FnMut(u8) -> bool,
    fn new<Q>(user_predicate: Q) -> Self
        Q: FnMut(u32) -> bool,
        // This fails to compile since the closure is not of type `P`.
        let f: P = move |num| user_predicate(num as u32);
        Self {
            ext: ExternalType::new(f),

Without changing the signature of my user_predicate (the actual code is a bit more intricate), is there any way of storing this closure?

I know that every closure has its own type and therefore the implemented closure does not match the given type Q, but on the other hand I have no idea on how to implement or annotate this fact in my type and especially not in the impl block.

I've seen the question regarding on how to store a closure in a struct but it doesn't really answer my question.


  • You can do this by instead of returning Self, return an impl type (playground)

    fn new<Q>(mut user_predicate: Q) -> MyType<impl FnMut(u8) -> bool>
        Q: FnMut(u32) -> bool,
        let f = move |num| user_predicate(num as u32);
        MyType {
            ext: ExternalType::new(f),

    Future rust

    This will be more ergonomic later with type alias impl trait. This will let you give the closure a name:

    type P<Q> = impl FnMut(u8) -> bool;

    which you can then use as MyType's generic:

    impl<Q> MyType<P<Q>>
