The calculation of the total price of products with their quantity. the total price exists in the order migration table with a default of 0 value, and I want to put the $res value in the total_price column.
public function store($user_id, Request $request/*,$id*/){
// 'total_price'=>'required|integer',
'shipping_date'=>'required|date',//shipping method
'delevary_date'=>'required|date',//shipping method
'products.*.id'=>'required|numeric|exists:products,id',//{products,id}in to validat of the
sent dataIn is exested id
]); ------------------------
$res = 0;
foreach($request['products'] as $product) //total price of products with the same product
buying in quantety
$sum = Product::find($product['id'])->price;
$res1 = $sum*$product['quantity'];
$res = $res + $res1;
$res = ['total_price'];
// $order->products()->sync($validated['products']);//the ['products'] is the way to make
the id's in array the []
$valid = collect($validated)->except(['products'])->toarray();//collect is to convert columns
from array to collection & the toarray is for converting products from object to array
$order = User::find($user_id)->orders()->create($valid);
foreach ( $request['products'] as $product)
$order->products()->syncWithoutDetaching([$product['id'] =>
['quantity' => $product['quantity']]]);
// return $res;
return $order->load('products','copon');
Update the order model's total_price attribute with the calculated value and then save the model.
$order = User::find($user_id)->orders()->create($valid);
$order->total_price = $res;