Let's say we have a SQL Server database for our golf course. We have a table called Results
that has the following columns (all INT NOT NULL
We also have a table called Holes
that has the following columns (all INT NOT NULL
(1 through 18)Par
(3, 4 or 5)We want to write a single query that will find who has had the most consecutive under par scores (hole in one, birdie, eagle, double eagle) in a single round. The query should return the following info:
(an INT
containing comma separated values in ascending order)I could not come up with anything useful. Maybe using a recursive common table expression is the way to go?
That’s a gaps and islands problem, where an island is a series of hole scores under par for a given player and round.
We can identify the islands with a window sum, then aggregate and sort.
select playerId, roundId,
count(*) NumberOfConsecutiveUnderParHoles,
string_agg(number, ', ') within group (order by number) UnderParHoleNumbers
from (
select r.*, h.number,
sum(case when r.score < h.par then 0 else 1 end) over(partition by r.playerId, r.roundId order by h.number) grp
from results r
inner join holes h on h.holeId = r.holeId
) t
group by playerId, roundId, grp
order by count(*) desc
If you just want the longest under-par streak, you can turn the select to select top (1) with ties