I have tried to use multiple methods for domain deletion. But the exceptions thrown leave me clueless.
This is the domain information under Microsoft Graph PowerShell.
Id AuthenticationType AvailabilityStatus IsAdminManaged IsDefault IsInitial IsRoot IsVerified Manufacturer Model PasswordNotificationWindowInDays PasswordValidityPeriodInDays SupportedServices
-- ------------------ ------------------ -------------- --------- --------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----- -------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------
deathknight0718qq.onmicrosoft.com Managed True False True True True 14 2147483647 {Email, OfficeCommunicationsOnline, MoeraDomain}
foliagecn.onmicrosoft.com Managed True False False True True 14 2147483647 {Email, OfficeCommunicationsOnline, MoeraDomain}
When I run Remove-MgDomain, it throws clueless exceptions.
Remove-MgDomain -DomainId foliagecn.onmicrosoft.com
Remove-MgDomain : Domain deletion attempt failed.
所在位置 行:1 字符: 1
+ Remove-MgDomain -DomainId foliagecn.onmicrosoft.com
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ({ DomainId = fo...m, IfMatch = }:<>f__AnonymousType132`2) [Remove-MgDomain_Delete1],RestException`1
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Request_BadRequest,Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Cmdlets.RemoveMgDomain_Delete1
Same as Force Delete
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement
$params = @{ DisableUserAccounts = $true }
Invoke-MgForceDomainDelete -DomainId foliagecn.onmicrosoft.com -BodyParameter $params
Invoke-MgForceDomainDelete : Domain deletion attempt failed.
所在位置 行:1 字符: 1
+ Invoke-MgForceDomainDelete -DomainId foliagecn.onmicrosoft.com -BodyP ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ({ DomainId = fo...ionJsonSchema }:<>f__AnonymousType90`2) [Invoke-MgForceDomainDelete_Force1],RestException`1
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Request_BadRequest,Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Cmdlets.InvokeMgForceDomainDelete_Force1
When I go to entra.microsoft.com to remove it, it throws the same exception message.
There is only one user for the entire cloud.
Possible causes were found by themselves:
You can't remove the ".onmicrosoft.com" domain from your account. When you remove a domain, user accounts will revert back to the ".onmicrosoft.com" address as the Primary SMTP/UserprincipalName.