There is an isEndIconChecked() in the EndCompoundLayout but I cannot see any access method to it from the TextInputLayout.
Whats the best way to detect if it is currently checked or not?
In my case I want a "Repeat password" input only be visible when the "password_toggle" end mode is not checked.
I looked into the source code and are now using as a workaround:
binding.loginPassword.setEndIconOnClickListener {
binding.loginPassword.editText?.apply {
transformationMethod =
if (transformationMethod is PasswordTransformationMethod) null
else PasswordTransformationMethod.getInstance()
binding.repeatPassword.isVisible = transformationMethod != null
Update: Combined with answer from Vsevolod, I am now using this helper functions:
@SuppressLint("DiscouragedApi", "ClickableViewAccessibility")
private fun registerPasswordCheck(view: TextInputLayout, update: () -> Unit) {
val endIconViewId = resources.getIdentifier(
passwordShownCheck = view.findViewById(endIconViewId)
passwordShownCheck.setOnTouchListener { _, event ->
if (event.actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) update()
private fun isPasswordShownChecked() = passwordShownCheck.isChecked
private lateinit var passwordShownCheck: CheckableImageButton
Can be called with something like:
registerPasswordCheck(binding.newPassword) {
binding.repeatPassword.isVisible = !isPasswordShownChecked()
This way the only internal from the API that is needed is the text_input_end_icon resource and the normal behavior of the password toggle does not have to be changed.