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How do you make it so that previous inputs in a loop can be printed out later on without using any arrays, lists, collections, etc.?

I am creating a simple food ordering system that cannot use for loops and arrays, lists, collections, etc. and I cannot determine why the program displays the same food items for every order. The program can take orders from 1-3 customers, with each of them ordering one main dish, side dish, and drink.

strt = int(input("1: Order\n2: Exit\n"))
if strt == 1:
  print("Mains:\n      ID       Type        Price")
    "      1  Chicken           90.00\n      2  Pork              105.00\n      3  Fish              120.00\n      4  Beef              135.00"
  print("Sides:\n      ID      Type         Price")
    "      1  Steamed Rice      20.00\n      2  Shredded Corn     35.00\n      3  Mashed Potatoes   50.00\n      4  Steam Vegetables  65.00"
  print("Drinks:\n      ID      Type         Price")
    "      1  Mineral Water     25.00\n      2  Iced Tea          35.00\n      3  Soda              45.00\n      4  Fruit Juice       55.00"
    "Enter the ID of the item you want to order. Enter 0 if you don't want an item for that category.\n"

  cust = int(input("How many people are in your group? "))
  ordr = 0
  msoc = 0
  pwno = 0
  mprc = float(0)
  sprc = float(0)
  dprc = float(0)
  mtot = float(0)
  stot = float(0)
  dtot = float(0)

  while ordr != cust and cust <= 3:
    ordr = ordr + 1
    print(f"\nOrder {ordr}:")

    if ordr <= cust or msoc == n:
      main = int(input("  Main: "))
      if main == 1:
        mprc = float(90)
        print("       Chicken")
      elif main == 2:
        mprc = float(105)
        print("       Pork")
      elif main == 3:
        mprc = float(120)
        print("       Fish")
      elif main == 4:
        mprc = float(135)
        print("       Beef")
      elif main == 0:
        print("       None")

      side = int(input("  Side: "))
      if side == 1:
        sprc = float(20)
        print("       Steamed Rice")
      elif side == 2:
        sprc = float(35)
        print("       Shredded Corn")
      elif side == 3:
        sprc = float(50)
        print("       Mashed Potatoes")
      elif side == 4:
        sprc = float(65)
        print("       Steamed Vegetables")
      elif side == 0:
        print("       None")

      drnk = int(input("  Drink: "))
      if drnk == 1:
        dprc = float(25)
        print("       Mineral Water")
      elif drnk == 2:
        dprc = float(35)
        print("       Iced Tea")
      elif drnk == 3:
        dprc = float(45)
        print("       Soda")
      elif drnk == 4:
        dprc = float(55)
        print("       Fruit Juice")
      elif drnk == 0:
        dprc = float(0)
        print("       None")

    msoc = input("Is this order correct (y/n)? ")
    if msoc == "y":
      pwno = input("Proceed with the next order (y/n)? ")
      if pwno == "y":
      elif pwno == "n":
        ordr = cust
    elif msoc == "n":
      ordr = ordr - 1
  cncl = input("Cancel all orders (y/n)? ")
  if cncl == "y":
  elif cncl == "n":
    xcld = input("Exclude an item from the total (y/n)? ")
    if xcld == "y":
      frwo = int(input("From which order? "))
      wiwe = int(input("Which item will be excluded? "))
    elif xcld == "n":
      print(f"\nOrder for party of {cust}")
      ordr = 0
      while ordr != cust and cust <= 3:
        ordr = ordr + 1
        print(f"Order {ordr}:")
        if main == 1:
          main = "Chicken"
        elif main == 2:
          main = "Pork"
        elif main == 3:
          main = "Fish"
        elif main == 4:
          main = "Beef"

        if side == 1:
          side = "Steamed Rice"
        elif side == 2:
          side = "Shredded Corn"
        elif side == 3:
          side = "Mashed Potatoes"
        elif side == 4:
          side = "Steamed Vegetables"

        if drnk == 1:
          drnk = "Mineral Water"
        elif drnk == 2:
          drnk = "Iced Tea"
        elif drnk == 3:
          drnk = "Soda"
        elif drnk == 4:
          drnk = "Fruit Juice"
        mtot = mtot + mprc
        stot = stot + sprc
        dtot = dtot + dprc
        print(f"Main: {main}  Price: {mprc}")
        print(f"Side: {side}  Price: {sprc}")
        print(f"Drink: {drnk}  Price: {dprc}\n")

      print(f"Main: {mtot}\nSide: {stot}\nDrinks: {dtot}")
elif strt == 2:
  print("Thank you for using the program.")

If I order for two customers, input 1, 2, and 3 for order 1 and 3, 2, and 1 for order 2, the total only displays food items 1, 2, and 3 for both orders instead of the desired output of items 1, 2, 3 for order 1 and 3, 2, and 1 for order 2.


  • Actually you need sort of memory (tuple, arrays, etc.) to keep track of orders details, the reason you have same order printed is that you overwriting the variables main, side and drnk every time you catch user input and discard the previous ones