We are given a linear graph with N
vertices. The task is to select K
edges with no overlapping vertices than have minimum weight.
As an example, in the graph below, where N = 5
and K = 2
the answer is
Because it has the minimum possible possible weight (2 + 2 = 4). Note thath we couldn't select edge with weight 1 because in that case, the next possible edge to select would be 6 which leads to a greater weight sum (1 + 6 = 7).
My solution so far:
I have solved the problem in O(NK)
time and O(N)
memory using dynamic programming. I store an array DP_k
of size N
, where DP_k[n]
is minimum weight of k
edges selected from the first n
edges. Then I build the array DP_k+1
by iterating from 0 to N
and the formula DP_k+1[n] = min(weight[n] + DP_k[n - 2], DP_k+1[n - 1])
. I do this for k = 1
to k = K
and return DP_K[N]
as the answer which leads to O(NK)
But I need to reduce the time complexity. I would really appreciate any hints on how I can do this.
I found an O(k log(n))
answer here from Codeforces.
(I) For every 1 ≤ i ≤ n, insert i with cost ai into a priority_queue whose top element has the minimum cost. And keep a linked-list 1, 2, 3, ..., n.
(II) Repeat the following steps k times:
(II.a) Pick the top element x from the priority_queue.
(II.b) Add the cost of x into the answer.
(II.c) Change the cost of x into costprex + costnxtx - costx, where prex and nxtx are the previous and next element of x in the linked-list.
(II.d) Delete prex and nxtx from the linked-list and the priority_queue.
(II.e) Insert x with new cost into the priority_queue.